Friday, May 17, 2013

Our Weird Pet Peeves

Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while but it has been a rather busy week and I finally have time to sit down and let my mind wander, not like it hasn't been wandering all week, but I finally have time to sit down and write everything down. Let me first off say how surprised I was to find out most of my page views are from a Russian social media site, so to all my comrades out there, hello from America! It’s very weird that Russians want to view my profile and read my blog, but hey, you got to start somewhere.

Anyway, something that has been on my mind lately is what makes people tick. We all have that one thing or maybe a few things that just make us frustrated or angry for no immediately rational reason, but it just does. That’s right; I’m talking about our pet peeves. We all have at least one that is fairly prominent and can easily be brought on at any time. I’ve always found pet peeves to be pretty fascinating because it just seems crazy that something so small can insight such a big reaction from anyone. It can turn a great day into a terrible one or make you completely shut someone in particular down from ever getting close to you at the risk that they may set off your pet peeve again in the future. At the risk of sounding like a jerk and completely pretentious, let me let you in on a few of mine.

I only really have one major pet peeve that drives me completely insane, which is loud chewing. I actually don’t consider this to be a pet peeve as much as I consider it rude which is probably why when I encounter someone who chews like a hippopotamus, I am immediately offended by that person. When I was growing up, my parents taught me and my brother how to act properly in public so we do not offend and act accordingly so we can be perfect little gentlemen when we were out on the town. Of course their lessons sunk in which I thank them for so I don’t end up on, but one of the biggest things they taught me was to simply chew with my mouth closed. It’s really not that hard considering I don’t want food to spill out of my mouth when I chew anyway, so it made sense. Yet I still find people in this world that smack their lips when they chew and keep their mouth open for the whole world to see what they are chewing and their personal techniques on how they break down food in their mouth for easier digestion, all to the tune of “Nom nom nom nom nom,” only a lot louder, and a lot less funny than “Nom nom nom nom nom.” I consider this act extremely rude and it shows that person’s complete disregard for those around him. It’s not like that person can’t hear himself chew. I mean, for God’s sake, the entire room can hear it, so it clearly represents that person’s lack of acknowledgment for those around him.

Another pet peeve of mine, and this is more of a subtle one in terms of reaction, is ignorance – for lack of a better term - on either common knowledge or current events. Now I don’t mean current events as in Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy, which I actually applaud her for doing. That’s pretty inspirational to be honest and a great preventative measure to eliminate the risk of breast cancer later in life. Especially if she has a family history of breast cancer. Current events in my mind covers topics such as the conflict in Syria, the saber-rattling in North Korea, the recently announced IRS investigation, and everything in between that can affect our lives.

It may not seem that these topics are relevant to us because we do not live in Syria, North Korea is just trying to get attention, and the IRS is always hated by Americans because they take taxes from the taxpayers, but each issue CAN affect us. We CAN go to war with Syria and North Korea while at the same time the IRS can be stealing from us without us even knowing while at the same time play favorites among party lines. Everyone should be informed of what is going on and with the multitude of media outlets there are now compared to just a decade ago, we have every bit of information at our fingertips 24/7 to stay informed with everything going on in the world that may affect us. But the reason I consider this to be a small pet peeve is because politics and world events simply do not appeal to most people like it does to me. I would love to have a conversation on any of these topics with someone, but I know it just is not a prominent issue for most, which is okay. I guess this is more disappointing for me than a person’s lack of knowledge, which is completely understandable.

Common knowledge however, is even more of a head scratcher for me. This isn't something I will call out if you do not have what I consider to be common knowledge because we all have different ideas of what common knowledge may be. I know I certainly may not know simple things that someone else may consider common knowledge, and I will no doubt look completely useless to someone if I display my lack of knowledge on a particular topic. But we all took 3rd grade science so it boggles the mind to know people out there still don’t know there were 9 planets in our solar system (before Pluto was kicked out), we are the 3rd planet from the sun, and that we are located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Or how about the meaning behind the 13 stripes on the American flag? Any child in America should know each represent one of the original 13 British colonies. For whatever reason, if someone does not know something simple like the examples I posted, it bothers me a little. Of course the knowledge should be there, but once again, not everyone considers that information to be important to their lives. But really… come on, dude. Get it together.

So there you have it; a small list of some of my pet peeves. I have a few others as well such as rudeness and the sound of squeaky rubber (don’t judge), but I think I sufficiently made myself out to be a completely judgmental and arrogant fool. I never said my pet peeves were completely rational though. We all have weird pet peeves. Just by writing mine down I realized how irrational mine are aside from the loud chewing. I have friends who don’t like being wet or being touched in any way (including being hugged by anyone). Some people even have pet peeves against people who are bald or people who have lisps. You name it, there is someone that has a pet peeve for it. In the end there is no way we can control what makes us tick. It seems to be ingrained in our DNA. In any case, it would be pretty fun to hear some other people’s weird pet peeves, so make sure you comment on what yours are and subscribe to my blog. Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Power of Positivity

First of all, sorry to all of my loyal followers (HI JULIE!) for not posting for a while. I have been pretty busy at work training to do a lot of different things and I don’t have a computer at home so I really haven’t had time to update or anything.

Anyway, today I was driving to work and thinking about the negatives spinning around me right now, not that I was really down in the dumps this morning, but I couldn’t help but think about everything going on and putting everything into perspective. So instead of harping on the negatives, I decided to start thinking of some positives in my life which helped cheer me up a bit like my brother’s engagement, my friends, and possibly starting something with someone in the future through patience and understanding. By the time I got into work, I was pretty happy and started my usually routine; filled up my water bottle, took my morning vitamins, and did some work. After I accomplished some decent work, I decided to surf the net for some interesting or educational articles. Big mistake.

 I’m sure you’ve been with me on this one though. Picture it: You’re sitting at your computer and you log in. Opening up your internet browser, you type into the URL bar,,, or whatever it is you please and you hope to find something really good to read. The webpage loads and the first thing you see is a headline that says “Shooting in Aurora, Colorado movie theater,” or “Terror attack in Boston,” or how about “multiple deaths in a Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.” Something tragic is always the lead story. Not a day goes by where I do not see something epically tragic. Right now I logged into and the first article is about a 12 year-old boy just got arrested for stabbing his 8 year-old sister to death last week. That was the FIRST article that popped up. That’s never what I want to see in the morning. I hate how the media glorifies negativity and violence for the sake of ratings or because an author is trying to make a name for himself. We’ve been inundated by horrible stories for such a long time now, it makes the news not worth listening to.

But loosing faith in people in general for a select few misdeeds is not fair. It’s pretty ridiculous to write people off as a whole because of the negative press we read on a daily basis. Instead, we should note the positivity we encounter throughout our lives. That’s what I have been doing for a while now. Although I read about every tragedy that occurs in America, we can never let these stories dictate our attitudes for our own sake and well being. Negativity in the world begets negativity in our own lives only when we allow it to. When we read a story of unspeakable horror or terror, the best thing to do is recognize the evil the world contains and then recount the positives in your own life to realize all that you have to be thankful for and use that positivity to help others.

One story that sticks out for me, and has followed with me since it happened, was when I was back in College at UVM my junior year when I really needed a friend. I felt like the world was completely against me and I had no one in the world to help me get out of what I was going through. It all changed when I was going into the library when someone came up to me, smiled, and said “This is for you,” and handed me hot apple cider, a bagel with cream cheese, and a card. I asked him what it was for and he just told me I looked sad and to read the card he handed me. He walked over to a table next to the library where there were thermoses filled with hot cider, hot chocolate, and all breakfast foods on the table. When I looked at the card it just said “You’ve been hit with a random act of kindness (pass it along).” I cannot tell you how something so simple made me feel on top of the world. I put the card in my wallet and now every time I feel down and out, I look at it to reconnect with the feeling something so small made me feel.

From then on, I kept track of everything instance of positivity that has happened to me and the positivity I try to spread to others to help brighten their day. And when I say do something positive, I don’t mean go above and beyond looking to spread positivity. I let the opportunities present themselves to me. If I am going into a subway and see a homeless person on the corner, why not pick them up a sandwich so they can eat? If someone drops their wallet, pick it up, chase them down, and give it back to them. If someone is struggling loading groceries into their car, offer to lend them a hand. Even something as simple as a compliment to a stranger goes a long way in cheering someone up. It’s so easy to be hung up on the negatives, but a simple good deed can turn someone’s life around and spread some well needed positive energy.

At the end of the day we all must understand that tragedies happen every day of our lives, but when positivity flows from person to person, some of these negative acts would never happen. Every person needs a bit of positivity shed upon their lives. Just something simple like a text or phone call to a friend saying something nice can make a cloudy day bright again. I think it’s about time we turn the tide on the negativity we have been hearing for the past few decades and start treating each other with decency. Today, I WILL do something positive to help someone else. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Turn Your Day Around

So I realize my first few articles have been pretty articulate for what a blog should really be, was somewhat contradictory, and was a bit of a drag in some spots. I had a lot on my mind recently and everything came to a head about a week or so ago which sent me into panic mode, the biggest being the possibility of moving in a few months with an already heaping pile of student debt on my back. You know those moments where you think your head is just going to pop? Yeah, one of those, only it was a week long. What snapped me out of my funk was a phone call on Friday night from someone I sent my blog to (Thank you for talking to me about everything. I’m sorry I was so short with you last week. You’re very important to me.) who had a rather revealing critique. Not a bad one, just allowed me to open my eyes a bit I guess. So I took the weekend off to do more important things to get my mind off everything, like bar hopping and going to a baseball game, and getting pretty sunburned. I know, the money I spent paying for this weekend could have went towards student loans, but what’s the fun in that?

Today’s blog is simply going to be about my morning and how I turned my day around. I was having a pretty terrible morning to be honest. I woke up late, took the trash out in my new suit which allowed me the opportunity to get something on it which thank God came out, I had to turn around on my way to work to put some gel in my hair since I forgot, and my iPhone died on me so I had to wait to listen to music on the way to work which is terrible for me. Plus I got stuck behind someone going 35 in a 50. Awesome, I know, right?

There were a few other things just bogging me down I guess so before I passed Johnny Go-Slow, but then I thought to myself “stop being such a downer, Jon,” and that is exactly what I did. We all have bad mornings that can bring us down the entire day, so I decided to do something about it. I went out and got myself something to eat, picked up an iced mocha frap (don’t judge) and picked out a really good cigar to smoke so I can have a relaxing morning while I work. So just doing something as simple as doing something small for myself, I cheered myself up a bit and I’m having a good day.

I guess this really isn’t a life altering experience, but it certainly helped my tragedy-ridden and woe-filled morning turn into a successful and triumphant day. The point I am trying to make is we all have things that slow us down and make us feel terrible, but we have the choice to let it drag us down or we can act on those events to try and change our attitude. Like I’ve said, I am going through a lot in my personal life, but there is no reason for me to get down about anything. I have a whole life ahead of me to make whatever I want out of it, so why get bummed out about the small things. Sure, it sucks if you don’t get the girl (not that that’s the case), but there are 3.5 billion out there. I may be moving to a new place where I know nobody, but I can make new friends that will lead to new experiences. We are the masters of our own destiny and we should embrace that.

Next time you are feeling down, just do something for yourself. It will no doubt make you feel a little bit better and can be just the thing you need to start a chain reaction to get you out of that slump. And if that doesn’t work, check out this commercial on YouTube. It’s pretty legit.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

An Opinion Should Never Be Overlooked

In my first post I stressed I would never take someone’s opinion away from them and I certainly stand by my  claim. If I do not agree with an opinion, I may discuss or debate the issue just to see where that person is coming from, but I would never flat out reject a person’s opinion as insane. By discussing an issue and listening to others, you can further expand your mind that may alter the way you look at a particular topic. Everyone should certainly have an opinion and express it whenever possible. Now, I don’t mean go around blurting out your opinion of how you think some guy’s tie looks terrible or a woman’s jacket is so 2000-late. I mean if you are out on a date and your date strikes up a conversation, don’t just drool and nod your head and agree with everything your date says. Everyone has an opinion that is waiting to get out and every one should be heard with an open mind.

I actually started learning, or at least realizing this, pretty recently while dating someone that is very close to my heart. She is a great all around person and certainly helps me grow into a better person every time I’m with her. It’s actually terrifying knowing she has impacted me so deeply and I know I’ll never find another person like her which is scaring me knowing she may not be in my life in the future as something more. She holds a very special place in my heart. (excuse my emotional shout-out. Hahaha). Normally on a date I would do the whole drool and nod thing, but with her I feel unbelievably comfortable, and on our first date, it was very easy for me to express my opinions with her because of our immediate comfort level with each other and great natural bond we have. She remarked later on that night or the next time we hung out (I really forget), that she was happy that I actually have an opinion on pretty much everything because most people are afraid to express their opinion at the risk of sounding dumb. This really got me thinking about how important expressing your opinion and listening to the opinions of others is to better broaden your views on a slew of different topics. This is how we collaborate and advance as a society, by having a back and forth discussion on different ideas with conflicting ideologies to come to a consensus that pleases most, if not everybody, on where the values of our society should drift.

However, it seems we are taking the back and forth out of the discussion and it has become more of a yelling and deception match where the loudest and craftiest side wins which in turn creates distrust towards the other side, causing even further rejection of alternate ideologies. We have gotten it into our heads that anyone that has a conflicting ideology as our own is inherently wrong, is the most ignorant person on earth, and that person has no right expressing his views openly with the world. We wonder why there is such a divide in our nation on how the left and right cannot get along and come together on any fiscal or societal issues, but we deny any conversation with the other side of the aisle so we become ignorant to any other viewpoint outside of our own.

We essentially become a slave to a certain mentality and block everything else out. Is this just because of personal stubbornness? Is this hatred of any other viewpoint for real? Perhaps this is a result of brainwashing propaganda? This, I cannot answer and it is remarkably sad that this is the society we live in now. It becomes discouraging to a young adult such as myself who wants to live in a nation where we can sit down and actually talk out any issues we have to come to a logical conclusion that appeals to the majority. I don’t know, maybe I’m just crazy, but I thought that’s what was supposed to happen in American democracy. George Washington was the only president with no political party affiliation and even said political parties would be our downfall citing polarization as the cause which is very true. This polarization discourages a sharing of ideas and throws out the premise in which our political ideology is based.

When we talk about issues like gay marriage, we tend to have our own thoughts on the issue and then simply ignore any other opinion on the matter. There is a morality issue on both sides that each grasps to as hard as possible, not giving up an inch to the other side. On one hand you have the people believe it is morally right to allow gays to marry which is what I personally support. On the other hand, there are people who disagree with it on a religiously moral basis, citing the bible, supported by Catholicism and Judaism, and the Koran, supported by Islamists, rejecting homosexuality as part of their faith and claiming the institution of marriage being a sacred bond between man and woman.

It is disheartening to see there is no discussion on how gay marriage should be handled between each side and, to be quite honest, it is far too early for this issue to be heard by the Supreme Court at the time being without a proper discussion beforehand by both sides. We need to hear the opinions of both sides in a well thought out discussion as opposed to an all out attack on the opinions and ideologies of one another to set up what is to be accepted as morally right so gay marriage can prevail, while at the same time, protecting those who oppose it. This rejection of other’s opinions and stubbornness does not allow for the free flow of ideas and it prevents a solution from being created through agreeable means that instead forces the issue into acceptance causing distrust between both sides of the aisle thus further alienating each side from one another on future topics. Every opinion on this matter is valid since every opinion represents a person that will be impacted if gay marriage becomes legal.

At the end of the day, it is time we stop ignoring the opinions of others and simply listen to what each side is saying, not just when it comes to gay marriage, but on other issues as well such as how to go about fixing the economy, how to deal with the growing poverty, and the growing divide between rich and poor. We can no longer just scream that the other side is wrong without listening, but instead take our opinions and express them eloquently so each side knows the basis on which the opposing platform bases their argument.

Every opinion out there is important and should be expressed, but at the same time, each opinion should be heard. Going back to my date, she is a big basketball fan while I am a big baseball fan. I reject basketball by saying it’s a rather dumb sport of really tall people shooting a ball into a hoop and so on and so on while never actually watching a game. She stated her opinion on the sport as to the skills you must posses to be a basketball player and the physical endurance these players really posses. After listening to her state her case, I decided to give basketball a shot, a sport that I really never showed interest in, and now I enjoy watching the Knicks play because I enjoy it. I saw her point of view and realized where she was coming from. She did not convert me, but instead she opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about the sport and from there I took the initiative to give the sport a chance. This may not be as pressing of an issue as gay marriage, but this exemplifies the power and importance of sharing opinions. Baseball is still near and dear to my heart, but I now have a new-found understanding and appreciation towards something I would never have realized had it not been for me simply listening to the opinion of someone else. So next time someone is trying to express an opinion you may not agree with, I urge you to listen instead of simply rejecting it as unimportant. It may actually open your mind to a whole new way of thinking.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Yes & No: What is the impact?

Of all the words we use in the English language, I always felt “Yes,” and “No,” are the most powerful words that we use every day of our lives. They have the power to create or end war and peace, a relationship, or a job. Even the word “Love,” a word we are always so hesitant to use in order not to scare off a newly found partner or ourselves if we are second guessing our emotions, is less powerful than “Yes,” and “No.” Love is so overused in our society nowadays it seems like even if you say it and truly mean it, the meaning is somewhat lost. Example: “Oh, man, bro. I frikin’ love you.” Or how about “Like, OMG, I LoVe your new dress.”

Yeah… You know what I’m talking about. If not, just turn on MTV for 5 minutes.

Muse-ik? What is muse-ik?

We may not realize it, but every time we say the word yes or no, we ultimately are making a final decision on something. Just for the record, “yes,” does not have the same connotation as “Sure,” or Okay,” because those words have a hint of doubt or an underlying hesitation to them. When you ask someone to marry you, you don’t really want to hear “sure.” That would just be disheartening and would bring about questions of sincerity in the answer. The person you ask gives a solid yes or no because the moment is high in emotions and warrants an immediate and definite answer. There are no maybes in this situation, just a yes or no answer. Even something simple like hanging out with someone usually requires a yes or no instead of a “sure,” “maybe,” or “I’m not sure.”

Even though we use these words every day, we may not fully realize the impact these words have on our lives or those of whom you direct your answer. If you ask someone out on a date or get asked out and the answer is yes, both people feel happy, overjoyed even, to an agreement to share part of there life with one another if only for a few hours. It’s exciting and new that can lead to something serious, and it’s incredible that person took a chance on you. That person is taking a leap of faith with you which is magnificently scary, but can be well worth it in the end. The same can go for a job interview. If you go in for multiple interviews with many different potential employers, once you hear yes to getting a job with one of them and you say yes to joining the company, it’s one of the best days you will have in a long time. It means new beginnings and a chance to start a new career. It’s exciting and, just like a relationship, it’s terrifying that you are starting something from scratch but in the long run, this could be the best decision of your life. It’s also terrifying for the employer because you are hired to do a job he is confident you can do, but at the same time, he has never worked with you, saw you work, nor does he know your productivity level. The company can hemorrhage money on a mistake you make, but that is a risk he is willing to take on you and you alone.

Similarly, the word “no,” invokes an equally strong reaction. If you ask someone out on a date and that person says no, you feel inferior. That person simply does not want to hang out with you possibly because of something you did, because you’re not attractive enough, or any other reason you can grasp out of thin air, even if in reality, that person is simply busy. You begin to feel unimportant and irrelevant no matter what the true reasoning behind the no is. A no is still a painful no nonetheless. In short, it’s a massive downer. The same goes with a job interview. You can go for literally hundreds of interviews and get a no on every one, each time the no implying you are not good enough to work for the company making you think there is something wrong with you or that you are not good enough to do that particular job. In reality, you may be the best thing to happen to that company and can be the key that takes the entire operation to the next level. That no can even lead you to interview for their competition where you get the job and put the first company out of business. That will show them to say no to you.

So what can we learn from the words “yes,” and “no?” To me, saying no simply offers protection when there is doubt or it is a way to block any immediate change in the future. I have been hurt by the word no plenty of times and have missed many chances in life by saying no because I had my own barriers up after some heavy moments in my life such as my grandfather’s passing. I wanted nothing more than to be alone and I lost a lot of friends as a result of me becoming disconnected. When you say yes you let risk enter your life. It can interfere with some of your life plans or delay something you may want to do, but it can also lead to something incredible. Hell, saying yes to a job offer you normally wouldn't take can send you to another country which is petrifying, but exciting all at the same time. You can even say yes to a relationship that doesn’t work out, but then meet someone else as a result.

In my own life, I try to say yes to a lot of things, because I have no idea what my future may hold. No one does. Think back 10 years and ask yourself if you really thought you would be where you are today. Think back 5 and the same most likely applies. I may get fired tomorrow and be out on the west coast by next week. I could get a promotion and stick around here for the rest of my life. But one thing is for sure, the unknown in the future will never stop me from saying yes to anything, because a simple yes can be the future you were meant to have while a no can prevent you from finding true happiness.

I realize it may sound like I am singling someone out with my references to relationships, but in reality I am not and it is certainly not my intention. I’ve gotten my fair share of “no,” recently and it has become a huge bummer, but the situation is understandable. I would be remiss to say that it has not been one of my inspirations to writing this article, but this is more for generalities’ sake and I ran with this thought yesterday morning on my way to work. Like I said, I have been saying yes to alot lately while at the same time I hear a lot of no whether it be from a girl, work, or just hanging out with friends. Yes and no has played a big part in my life since last year and lead to having my heart broken, breaking someone else's heart, getting promoted, turning down a job offer, starting my writing career, and being told I cannot write certain things at work. That is one of the reasons I started a blog, to get out what I want to write. In any case, this is my 2 cents on the subject and I’d love to hear your view.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why I Created a Blog

I thought my first entry on my first ever blog should be an introduction of myself, why I gave my blog this name, and what you should expect from me. Well, let me begin with a simple introduction; my name is Jonathan and I live in New Jersey. I recently, in March,  reached the quarter-century mark in my life and I am going through a quarter-century-life-crisis with massive amounts of student debt on my back, a decent-if-i-didn’t-have-a-massive-amount-of-student-debt-on-my-back salary provided to me by a cigar company for whom I am employed as a copywriter, and a college degree in political science from the University of Vermont of which I am proud to have earned. Other than the student loan issue, I am a relatively happy guy just trying to figure out my own solutions to the problems I find in the world to give myself inner peace.

This blog is that outlet for my inner thoughts and questions about the world. I like to think I am a decent writer as many college professors suggested a writing/editorial career for me, but at the same time you will come to realize my writing style is fairly informal, and working as a copywriter for a cigar company is only dulling it further. Let’s just say blogging is going to be a lot different than writing a research paper. This blog, I feel, is a good way to help me sharpen my writing skills once again with the help of some constructive criticism by you, my audience. It also allows me to write about something other than cigars which feels incredible. I want to use some of my creative energy to get my thoughts out instead of writing about the latest and greatest cigar out of Honduras. Don’t get me wrong, I do like my job, but if you like to write then you may understand that writing about the same thing over and over again can feel like you’re in a trap.

My mind tends to race at a million miles an hour, unbeknownst to my nearest and dearest friends, and leads me to think about the Kim dynasty’s crimes against humanity in North Korea, if I will have Social Security checks by the time I retire, and why they don’t sell Stretch Armstrong anymore (amiright?). Everything in life can be questioned and I certainly like to ask every question I can so I may come to my own conclusion and I like seeing how people came to their own conclusions on the same topic. My parents have always said I was a contrarian, like I knew what that was when I was 5. As I grew older, I realized it was true. Even if a friend or date would say something I agree with, I would question them as to why they thought that way to see if they reached their conclusion the same way I had, and if not, I would root for the reason they felt that way by debating in favor of an opposite viewpoint until I found their line of thinking. It’s kind of like my way of saying “Show your work,” like we all had to do in math class in middle school and high school. I never do this maliciously as we all have a right to our own opinion and I can never, nor will I ever, take that away from anyone. 

So now that we all know I started this blog to simply get my thoughts out in a somewhat coherent way, I feel like I should explain the title of my blog. I felt it was a creative and relevant title for me as I do most of my thinking on the car ride to and from work each day while I blast music with my windows down. Music helps relax me and get my mind going by picking up on beats, melodies, key words and phrases, emotions each song is trying to portray, and so on. Being on the road also helps me think about the world simply by seeing everything going on as I drive about town. People interacting with one another, joggers, rain, wind, farmers working in the fields, the architecture of the old buildings I pass every day and when I visit New York CIty or visit Vermont… Everything and anything gets my mind going. I like driving and just letting my mind take over, much to the chagrin of the New Jersey State Police. I’m sure they would much rather have me pay attention to the road, but I’ve never caused an accident so I guess I’m on a hot streak *knock on wood*. 

This is a picture of inside a Ford Focus which is what I drive so you can see everything from my angle. 

I am completely unsure as to what you are going to expect from my blog. Like I said, my mind tends to wander and drift off on multiple tangents every day. I have already began writing my first real entry, but I won’t give anything away. Depending on my mood and thoughts, I am sure you will see my bright cheery side where I go into more detail about my admiration for Stretch Armstrong when I was a kid. You will also hear a more sullen side of my thoughts; thoughts of lost love or the struggle to find a partner in this unbelievably crazy and ever-changing world and the emotions that stem from those experiences. So I hope you enjoy reading my blog and everything that goes with it. I hope I make you think in a new light and get some sort of emotion out of you besides anger that you just read some incoherent babble.

And seriously, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. You can email me at