Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Turn Your Day Around

So I realize my first few articles have been pretty articulate for what a blog should really be, was somewhat contradictory, and was a bit of a drag in some spots. I had a lot on my mind recently and everything came to a head about a week or so ago which sent me into panic mode, the biggest being the possibility of moving in a few months with an already heaping pile of student debt on my back. You know those moments where you think your head is just going to pop? Yeah, one of those, only it was a week long. What snapped me out of my funk was a phone call on Friday night from someone I sent my blog to (Thank you for talking to me about everything. I’m sorry I was so short with you last week. You’re very important to me.) who had a rather revealing critique. Not a bad one, just allowed me to open my eyes a bit I guess. So I took the weekend off to do more important things to get my mind off everything, like bar hopping and going to a baseball game, and getting pretty sunburned. I know, the money I spent paying for this weekend could have went towards student loans, but what’s the fun in that?

Today’s blog is simply going to be about my morning and how I turned my day around. I was having a pretty terrible morning to be honest. I woke up late, took the trash out in my new suit which allowed me the opportunity to get something on it which thank God came out, I had to turn around on my way to work to put some gel in my hair since I forgot, and my iPhone died on me so I had to wait to listen to music on the way to work which is terrible for me. Plus I got stuck behind someone going 35 in a 50. Awesome, I know, right?

There were a few other things just bogging me down I guess so before I passed Johnny Go-Slow, but then I thought to myself “stop being such a downer, Jon,” and that is exactly what I did. We all have bad mornings that can bring us down the entire day, so I decided to do something about it. I went out and got myself something to eat, picked up an iced mocha frap (don’t judge) and picked out a really good cigar to smoke so I can have a relaxing morning while I work. So just doing something as simple as doing something small for myself, I cheered myself up a bit and I’m having a good day.

I guess this really isn’t a life altering experience, but it certainly helped my tragedy-ridden and woe-filled morning turn into a successful and triumphant day. The point I am trying to make is we all have things that slow us down and make us feel terrible, but we have the choice to let it drag us down or we can act on those events to try and change our attitude. Like I’ve said, I am going through a lot in my personal life, but there is no reason for me to get down about anything. I have a whole life ahead of me to make whatever I want out of it, so why get bummed out about the small things. Sure, it sucks if you don’t get the girl (not that that’s the case), but there are 3.5 billion out there. I may be moving to a new place where I know nobody, but I can make new friends that will lead to new experiences. We are the masters of our own destiny and we should embrace that.

Next time you are feeling down, just do something for yourself. It will no doubt make you feel a little bit better and can be just the thing you need to start a chain reaction to get you out of that slump. And if that doesn’t work, check out this commercial on YouTube. It’s pretty legit.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

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